Quote from David Chinemelu on September 28, 2021, 10:37 pmThe Higher Institutions Staff Forum of Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement announces her first Annual International Conference 2021
The strategic role of Academic Profession in Church Growth: The Unexplored Potentials And the Way ForwardDate: 1st 3rd October 2021
Key note Presenter
Professor Emmanuel Chukwunyere Nzegbula, Professor of Ecology and Environmental Management (Immediate Past Dean, College of Natural and Environmental Resources Management) Michael Okpara University of Agriculture UmudikePlenary Presenters
1. Professor Taiwo Taye Amos (Dean School of Agricultural Technology) Federal University Akure
2. Dr. Felix Ilechhukwu (Bursar) Chukwuemeka Odimegwu Ojukwu University, Uli, Anambra State
3. Dr. Christopher Ebo (Director of Mission, WCCRM. Lagos, Nigeria
4. Professor Adengbenro Henry Akinmutimi, (Professor of Animal Nutation and Biochemistry) Immediate Past Dean, College of Animal Science and Animal Production Michael Okpala University of Agriculture, Umudike
5. Dr. Paul E Anyanwu (Department of statistics and Chairman, Research Review Committee, Federal Polytechnic Bida, Niber State.Venue: Fisheries and Wildlife Technology (FWT) Ultra-Modern Auditorium Federal University of Technology Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria
For registration and more information on Hotel booking and Guideline for Paper presentation
Visit: hinstaff.wcccfonline.comSigned
Dr. Johnbosco Emeka Umunnakwe (Department of Environmental Management Federal University of Technology Owerri)
Assc. Prof. Godwin Iwuchukwu (Former HOD Linguistics and Communication Studies University of Calabar)
The Higher Institutions Staff Forum of Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement announces her first Annual International Conference 2021
The strategic role of Academic Profession in Church Growth: The Unexplored Potentials And the Way Forward
Date: 1st 3rd October 2021
Key note Presenter
Professor Emmanuel Chukwunyere Nzegbula, Professor of Ecology and Environmental Management (Immediate Past Dean, College of Natural and Environmental Resources Management) Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike
Plenary Presenters
1. Professor Taiwo Taye Amos (Dean School of Agricultural Technology) Federal University Akure
2. Dr. Felix Ilechhukwu (Bursar) Chukwuemeka Odimegwu Ojukwu University, Uli, Anambra State
3. Dr. Christopher Ebo (Director of Mission, WCCRM. Lagos, Nigeria
4. Professor Adengbenro Henry Akinmutimi, (Professor of Animal Nutation and Biochemistry) Immediate Past Dean, College of Animal Science and Animal Production Michael Okpala University of Agriculture, Umudike
5. Dr. Paul E Anyanwu (Department of statistics and Chairman, Research Review Committee, Federal Polytechnic Bida, Niber State.
Venue: Fisheries and Wildlife Technology (FWT) Ultra-Modern Auditorium Federal University of Technology Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria
For registration and more information on Hotel booking and Guideline for Paper presentation
Visit: hinstaff.wcccfonline.com
Dr. Johnbosco Emeka Umunnakwe (Department of Environmental Management Federal University of Technology Owerri)
Assc. Prof. Godwin Iwuchukwu (Former HOD Linguistics and Communication Studies University of Calabar)