WHISF CONFERENCE REGISTRATION Personal ProfileFull NameGenderGenderMaleFemaleValid Email *Phone Number *Marital Status *Marital StatusSINGLEMARRIEDWIDOWDIVORCEDSEPARATEDAcademic ProfileStaff Category *Staff CategoryForeign ParticipantAcademic StaffNone Academic StaffStudentCorperAlumniType of InstitutionType of InstitutionUniversityPolytechnicMonotechnicCollege of EducationTechnical/Vocational Inst.OthersSpecify your InstitutionName of Institution *Designation/Rank *Designation/RankGraduate AssistantAssistant LecturerLecturer IILecturer ISenior LecturerAssociate ProfessorProfessorOthersSpecify your Designation/Rank *Religious ProfileAre you a Watchman? *Are you a Watchman?WATCHMANVISITORYour DenominationDiocese/Region *Diocese/RegionABAABAKALIKIABUJAAHIARAAWKABENINCALABARENUGUIBADANILORINISSELLEUKUJOSKADUNALAGOSLOGISSLOKOJAMAKURDIMINNANSUKKAOGOJAOKIGWEONITSHAORLUOWERRIPORT HARCOURTUMUAHIAUYOUNITED KINGDOMUSAEUROPECANADAGHANAANGOLACHINASOUTH AFRICASIERRA LEONECAMEROONCÔTE D'IVOIRELIBERIAOthersSpecify your Region/Location *Are you a worker? *Are you a worker?YesNoMinistry/Department *Ministry/DepartmentDiocesan PastorGCCDiocesan Pastor's WifeWGCCNational PastorZonal PastorDistrict PastorDiocesan Women CoordinatorZCCZCSCDCCDCSCParish PastorPastor's WifeDistrict Women CoordinatorParish Women CoordinatorCampus CoordinatorYouth MinistryChildren MinistryLevel CoordinatorCampus Sister CoordinatorPrayerDeliveranceEvangelismDramaMediaElectricalChoristerUsherDecorationOthersIf others, SpecifyBOOK ACCORMODATION..AVAILABLE ROOMS AT STAFF GUEST HOUSE Arrival DateDate of ArrivalWednesday 13, Oct. 2023Thursday 12, Oct. 2023Friday 13, Oct. 2023Saturday 14, Oct. 2023Select a RoomSelect a RoomV. I. P RoomDeluxe RoomClassic RoomStandard RoomP. G. HostelI have AccomodatioThe cost of VIP Room Selected is *N20, 000.00The cost of Deluxe Room Selected is *N7, 000.00The cost of Classic Room Selected is *N3, 500.00The cost of Standard Room Selected is *N2, 400.00Number of NightsHow many Nights to Spend4 Nights3 Nights2 NightsA NightYour AccommodationNTotal Reg & AccomodationNTotal Reg & Foreign$Please Confirm! *You are booking P.G Hostel which accommodates 20 persons in a wider room at no cost Please Confirm! *You are responsible for your accommodation throughout the conference Confirm!You are booking {select-10} which cost {checkbox-1}{checkbox-3}{checkbox-4}{checkbox-5} a night and for the {select-13} of your stay, your Accommodation bill will be {calculation-1} Pay {calculation-1} Submit